
Overtones and Japanese Songs

錄音檔案不可用。 (可觀看至11/2/2020 (Mon) 23:59 JST)

October 25 (Sun)
Venue: Kiunkaku Music Salon  Start 16:30
A new song making with the addition of polyphonic Goshu Ondo and Tuva's Khoomei. And a new interpretation of world music that fuses Chindon and Eastern European music, Jinta-La-Meta are here!
Cast: Miyuki Sato & Agasa (Goshu Ondo), Fumiko Wada (vo.), Koichi Makigami (vo., Theremin), Masaharu Sato (ds)
Jinta-La-Meta <Okuma Wataru (clarinet), Kogure Miwazo (Chindon Taiko), Kimura Hitoya (tuba), Takeuchi Rie (sax)>

Dialogue: Dialogue after the performance "Atami, Corona, and Music"


Overtones and Japanese Songs 2,500 日圓含稅
